Do you have a Bounce-Back Game Plan?

It doesn’t really matter how many times you fall off the wagon. What matters most is your BOUNCE BACK GAME.

I have to admit . . . I have not been as consistent as I would like to be on my health and wellness routines because of demands with work and some unexpected surprises in life. With anything negative, it’s easy to beat yourself up and give up and get into a funk. But, being the Bold, Brilliant, and Unstoppable woman you are, that’s simply not an option.

This is what I remind myself of daily. Giving up is not an option. Beating myself up is not an option. And being too hard on myself is not an option.

Instead, I look at each experience as nothing more than a tool that gives me feedback on what I need to work on next. I use that feedback to adjust my thinking, my routine, or my habits, and I get back in the game. This is true for my wellness goals, work goals, business goals, and even #relationshipgoals.

The problem that most of us have is that we get too emotionally attached to the experience and use it to judge if we are good enough, strong enough, or smart enough to go after what we really want. And the emotions overtake us when we don’t have a bounce back gameplan.

It’s quite easy to come up with a Bounce-Back Game Plan.

  1. Pick one goal you’ve been working on, but have fallen off.
  2. What did you learn about yourself? Write it down in your success journal.
  3. What did you learn about the process it’ll take to achieve your goal? Write it down in your success journal.
  4. What adjustments do you need to make in your day to day plans?
  5. Map out your weekly plan.
  6. Get back to work.
  7. If you fall off again, go back to step #2 and keep refining the process until your achieve your goal.

It’s really that simple. The trick is step #7 . . . you can’t stop each time you fall off track. You have to be willing to dust yourself off, make the necessary adjustments, and get back on track. And you have to have the intestinal fortitude to keep going until you achieve your goal.

Remember to always . . .

Be Bold. Walk in your Brilliance. Become Unstoppable.


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