Expect Great Things!

Do you find yourself expecting the worse to happen in spite of what your heart really desires? Have you ever wanted a promotion, but didn’t allow yourself to get “too excited” just in case  you didn’t get it? Or  maybe you wanted a really nice gift from your significant other (like an engagement ring), but wouldn’t let your heart get too excited  just in case he didn’t get it? The examples could go on and on. But I’m sure if you’re reading this, you’ve been there a time or two.

Why do we do this?

Many of us do this because we’ve been hurt and disappointed in the past and we don’t want to repeat that. Who can blame us? Who likes repeating the cycle of hurt and disappointment? I know that I don’t.

Just recently, I found myself expecting the worse out of a situation involving a family member. Why? Because I was still feeling the sting of disappointment from an earlier event. I knew what I wanted the outcome to be, but all of my energy and my focus was on the disappointing outcome from the earlier encounter. Focusing on that disappointment really put me in a foul mood. I literally had to stop myself in my tracks and remind myself that whatever I expect to happen, 9 times out of 10, it will happen. So I made a decision to expect a better outcome. I didn’t know how it was going to happen. But the HOW was none of my business. I chose to leave that to God. And sure enough, the outcome of this situation turned out better than what I ever expected.

Then the thought surfaced “Why didn’t I get this result before? I expected the best earlier, but didn’t get what I wanted. Why did I have to be hurt and disappointed then?” But, I realized that the timing wasn’t right. If I had received what I wanted when I thought I wanted it, the end result would not have been so good (hindsight is always 20/20).

Everything always works out in perfect timing, in perfect order, for your best outcome. One of my favorite quotes by Joel Osteen is:

You cannot expect Victory and Plan for defeat.

Expect the best at all times in all situations. Know that God has your best interest at heart, even in the midst of disappointments.


Expect the best today and everyday! ~SAM~

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