Find a way or an excuse

Are you a problem solver or an excuse maker?

One of my favorite affirmations is “I am a problem solver and not an excuse maker.”

This is one of my favorite affirmations and declarations because it reminds me to shift my focus from being the victim to being a conqueror. It shifts my language from “Why did this happen?” to “How can I make it happen?” It shifts my thoughts from “I can’t do it.” to “How can I do it?”

Being a problem solver is the most powerful position you can take in your life. When you are a problem solve, you now have the confidence and the tools you need to slay your dragons, meet deadlines, and get it done!

Being a problem solver doesn’t always come easy to everyone. Here are a truths that you must remind yourself daily to shift from panic, worry, and frustration to a state of power, confidence, and conqueror:

  1. You are a problem solver, not an excuse maker.
  2. There is absolutely nothing new under the sun
  3. Your problems and circumstance are no surprise to God.
  4. God will not put more on you than what you can bear.
  5. There is a solution for every problem, and it already exists.
  6. Whatever you don’t know the Holy Spirit knows. Just ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the solution to you.

Repeating these truths, out loud, on a daily basis will burn it into the fabric of your mind. So when you are faced with disappointments, mistakes, setbacks, and any other challenges in your life, you’ll be able to give yourself 5-10 minutes to be emotional about it. Then, you’ll put your big girl panties on, grab the sword of the spirit, and SLAY YOUR DRAGONS!!


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