
Don’t let people, problems, and the pain of your past pause your present, punish your person, prison your potential, and paralyze your progress. I will begin walking boldly into my future and not allow others to hold me back . . . ~ Angela Davis
Most Requested Speaking Topics
** Additional Topics Available Upon Request
S.O.S. – Sever the Cycle of Self Sacrifice
According to a 2011 Office Pulse Survey of white-collar professionals, men are “consistently happier than women” both in and out of the office. This survey also revealed that the unhappiest people in this survey was the 42-year-old unmarried woman in a highly regarded professional career. Why? Because women have been conditioned to sacrifice happiness and well-being in the pursuit of success, love, and achievement. But what if I told you that was possible to have it all – love, success, respect of your peers, – without sacrificing your happiness, your peace, nor your dignity?
In this session, attendees will learn my S.O.S. Techniques – Sherica’s Overcoming Strategies to break the cycle of sacrificing yourself for the sake of success, love, and acceptance. These strategies will show the participants how to:
- Uncover the root of self-sacrificial behavior so that she can begin to experience different fruit in her life.
- Identify her True North so that she can increase her overall life satisfaction
- Prioritize joy and happiness while accomplishing her goals
- Create relationships that are built on trust, intimacy, and healthy communication

Getting Beyond the Burnout
Burnout is real and all too common in today’s world. All of us are guilty of doing too much all the time. Work. School. Parenting. Managing Relationships. Caregiving. Starting a business. Writing a book. The list goes on and on.
And if that’s not enough, we must also contend with the voice in our head that tells us we’re not doing enough. . . But the truth is that there will always be more work to do. There will always be deadlines. And there will always be responsibilities. But YOU have a responsibility to yourself to not let work, responsibilities, and the expectations of others completely consume you until there is nothing left.
In this session, attendees will learn:
- The secrets of how burnout takes root in your daily life
- The reason why burnout has become a habit (and expectation) for success
- How to recognize the sneaky signs of burnout before it knocks you down
- Burnout Prevention Techniques
- Burnout Aftercare Steps
Turning Obstacles into Road Signs
Disappointments. Failures. Setbacks.
It doesn’t matter how smart or well-connected you are, life will knock you down a time or two. Sometimes, life will hit so hard that you struggle to get back on your feet mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
The people with the greatest success and influence aren’t the ones who have never experienced a setback. They are the ones who get back up and move forward with great wisdom, clarity, and definiteness of purpose.
This session will show you just how to do that.
In this session, I will show you how to:
- Differentiate between a setback, distraction, or redirection
- Regain your courage and confidence to get back in the game
- Trust yourself again so that you can take the next best step
- Restore and recalibrate when you feel like giving up, giving in, or retreating.

Authenticity is the Way
What does it mean to be successful? For most, success can be summarized by two words: Impact and Influence.
In other words, successful women want to change how we work and live in a positive way. But, how do you get there? Is it just hard work? Is it through networking? Being at the right place at the right time?
While all of these things are factors on the road of success, the true secret sauce to success is Authenticity.
In this session, attendees will learn:
- What does it mean to be an authentic, multi-passionate, multi-faceted woman
- How to own her Brilliance without offense or apologies
- Use Value Positioning to open the door to new opportunities
- Practice her Success Posture so that she is always prepared
- How to use her Authenticity to create a thriving life and career
Failure Recovery System
Most of us go through life trying to make the best decisions at all times. This is evident by past successes such as college graduation, building a career, and living a reasonably good life.
But what do you do when you experience failure?
A failure so brutal that it forces you to start over? A failure so significant that the only thing you can do is surrender to it? A failure so big that it affects every person around you?
Failure doesn’t have to be the “nail in the coffin” that prevents you from promotion, success, and impact. Instead, every failure, no matter how unpleasant, can be used as a stepping stone for success when you learn how to get past the discomfort.
In this session, attendees will learn a systematic process of how to push past the failure. This process will show students how to:
- Shift their mindset around the notions of failure and success
- Turn Fear into Fuel
- Overcome Embarrassment and Shame
- Create a new path forward with wisdom and confidence
Becoming Your Greatest Self
You cannot live your best life and you cannot accomplish your goals and dreams if you are not showing up as your full self.
Today, women are more aware than ever before of the depth of her power. However, many of us do not yet know HOW to tap into the depths of her power to create the life of her dreams.
This session will empower women to activate her Feminine-Warrior-Goddess Archetype so that she can be happy, fulfilled, unapologetic, at peace, and experience personal freedom. Participants will learn how activate her Feminine-Warrior-Goddess by:
- Overcoming the People Pleaser traits
- Not Watering Herself Down
- Creating a Healthy Self-Image
- Creating and Maintaining her Success Posture
- Creating personal and professional relationships that encourage and empower
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